
Shuukan Soine CD Vol. 5 - Reo

週刊添い寝CD Vol.5 玲央 

Company: Black Butterfly
Based on: Original
Released: 2011.06.24
Official Site: http://www.blackbutterfly-cd.com/

Shuukan Soine is a CD in which your boyfriend cuddles next to you in bed and talks with you  until you fall asleep. After the first 4 original entries to the series this is vol.5. And how we've waited for a continuation! I'm not really a fan of Yoshino Hiroyuki who voiced this volume BUT shuukan soine continues so all is good!

The CD starts with you doing something in the kitchen, and Reo complains that you should just come to bed. Reo works as a model and it has been a while since you've seen each other, so he suddenly called you in the middle of the night asking you to come over.

Eventually you get him to read a picture book that he brought back from a photo shoot.  The story this time is about the wind and a cloud. Everyone is afraid of the wind because it blows things away and destroys stuff. One day the wind tries to rip a cloud a part, but the cloud simply floats away and returns. After a while the cloud returns and tells the wind that it could use its power to help people, and from then one the wind helps people and is loved by all.

Of course Reo likes this story to the relation between the two of you, although he only tells you this after you've fallen asleep. Reo is a rather selfish but sweet, teasing you all the time.Only after you've fallen asleep you get to hear how sweet though.

As always there is a wake-up track again, however I was slowly falling asleep by that time so I didn't exactly hear all of it. And sadly I don't like Yoshino-san enough to re-listen it just so that I can review it for you. Many apologies.

I did, however, wake up  again at the free-talk, which was fun. Yoshino shows us just how well the Dummy Head records things, he sways around while talking and walks away from the microphone to show you that you can hear difference in distance as well. He even walks all the way to the door of the studio and opens is (you can actually hear the staff laughing). The best part however is that he says that he has to talk in a subdued voice when talking very close to the microphone, because it would sound awfull IF HE TALKED VERY LOUDLY (he screams that into your ear, you have been warned).

Like I said, I'm not that much of a Yoshino fan, and for a CD that is done by a single voice actor that is a major inconvenience. But my being biased aside, it was a fun story to listen to and I'm just happy that Black Butterfly made a continuation to the series.

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