
お仕事男子 vol.3 職業 美容師

Oshigoto Danshi - Biyoushi

Company: Broccoli
Based on: Original
Released: 2009.12.29
Official Site: http://www.broccoli.co.jp/cd/sp/oshigoto/

Oshigoto Danshi is a series that centers on the development of a relation between yourself and a guy with a certain profession. This is the third vol. and centers on Saeki Miku (CV: Sugita Tomokazu), a hairdresser.
In the first track you are walking somewhere on the street ans Saeki suddenly approaches you to ask whether you want to be a model for a cut show. Not surprisingly you find it rather suspicious and walk off.
As fate will have it however you visit the salon where he works a few days later. Turns out one of the idols you manage (Tachibana Yuu - your target for vol.5) recommended this very salon to you. After Saeki cuts your hair he once again asks whether you want to be his model, eventually you accept.
Saeki is pretty lighthearted and fun, however he works hard for the upcoming competition. He also tries his best to comfort you when you are nervous before the show,  although he also gets nervous just before you go on stage. He takes you out for dinner after the show, and you get to see a more serious side.
Like the first two CDs this one is coupled with second CD. The main character for vol.4, a police officer, visits the salon while you are there, and you get to hear the two of them bickering, which is fun ('-'*)♪
In the free-talk Sugita-san first starts to talk about how he is a guy even though his name is Miku (>∇<). Other than that he talks about his own experience at a salon and how he consulted his own hairdresser on how he should act his role.
I'm still on the Ninomiya side, but this was interesting two. However when coupled with vol.4 Saeki is completely outshined by Aizawa (or maybe I am just too partial to Konishi Katsuyuki (゚∇^*)

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